

文章来源:网友投稿 时间:2022-08-29 14:15:02







 镇江作为华东地级市唯一向外输送老师, 进行华东雅思教师培训的常备基地之一,正因为有环球雅思名师团队的存在, 使得镇江雅思的教学质量在华东不输一线大城市。

 而名师内部教材系列, 也正是这支名师团队的实力见证之一!


 通常雅思大作文的十大主题分类 本讲义中所列主题分类, 每个主题下面都积累了 数十道近年考过的题目, 详细题目见附件分类, 此处每类主题仅列两道考题

  教育类 EDUCATION 例题:

 ① students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education.

 Some people think universities should make it easy for them to study at.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree? ② some people think students should go to boarding schools instead of living at home.

 Do you agree or disagree? 科技类 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 例题:

 ① Many people ignore basic science today.

 What are the causes and what are your solutions? ② Life was better when technology was simpler.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree? 媒体类 MEDIA


 ① Some people feel that entertainers (e. g.

 film stars,

 pop musicians or sports stars)

 are paid too much money.

 Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid? ② Some people think the media should stop reporting details of crimes to the public.

 What is your opinion? 政府决策和公共事务 GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS 例题:

 ① Health is a basic human need so healthcare should not be provided by private profit-making companies.

 Do you agree or disagree? ② Some people think that to prevent illnesses,

 it is more important for the government to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyles than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already ill.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree? 发展类 DEVELOPMENT (Development 类话题按理说本应该是题库中最多变的一类考题, 但是正因为必须是眼睛成为趋势的社会现象才能考, 所以雅思写作中的发展类考题反而往往争议性不大)


 ① An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities.

 What problems will this cause? What can the government do to solve these problems? ② A hundred years ago,

 people thought that the human race was improving in every area of life.

 Now it seems this is not the case in many areas.

 In what areas do you think we have made important progress? In what areas do you think we still need make progress? 文化类 CULTURE (IELTS 写作中文化类考题涉及到语言, 时尚, 博物馆, 美术馆, 音乐等多方面事物, 这类话题贴近我们的生活, 但是对于其领域的一些基本常识, 我们还是要有一些了解。

 效率最高的方法, 无非是很快地熟悉题库。



 ① Fashion trends are difficult to follow these days and it is widely believed that these trends exist just to sell clothes.

 Some people believe that we should not follow fashion trends and we should dress in the way we like.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

 ② Some people think the appearance of buildings is more important than their functions.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree? 环境类 ENVIRONMENT AND PROTECITON (IELTS 写作中环境类考题不少, 但是考查范围比较单一, 基本上都似乎要求论证人类对于目前存在的环境问题是否有能力去改变, 以及怎样改变。

 对于这类主题, 最好的办法就是吃透几篇范文。



 ① Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual people to address.

 We have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? ② Many people think companies and individuals,

 instead of governments,

 should pay for reducing the pollution they have produced.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree? 法制与犯罪 LAW AND CRIMES (法制与犯罪类主题出现频率大概在每年 2-4 次左右, 属于频率较低题型。

 但是考题难度往往不低, 考生尤其要注意对于这类主题的词汇积累, 以及一些基本常识的了解熟悉。



 ① Some people think sending criminals to prison is not an effective way to deal with them.

 Education and training are better.

 To what extent do you agree? ② Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime.



 argue that the circumstances of an individual crime,

 and the motivation for committing it,

 should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.

 Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


 ① Air transport is increasingly used to export types of fruits and vegetables to other countries.

 Some people think it is a positive thing.

 But others consider this a worrying trend.

 Discuss both views and give your own opinion?

 ② Some people think that people who immigrate to a new country should accept the new culture as their own rather than remain in separate minority groups and live in different lifestyles.

 Do you agree or disagree? 动物权益保护, 旅游, 家庭与传统价值观, 弱势群体类 例题:

 ① 动物类 Humans should not use animals as sources of food and clothing.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view? ② 旅游类


 international tourism is the biggest industry in the world.


 international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? ③ 家庭与传统价值观类 Old generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life,

 thinking and behavior.

 Most people argue that these ideas are not helpful for the young generations to prepare for their lives in the future.

 What is your opinion? ④ 女性及弱势群体类 Some people think we need more female leaders to create world peace and reduce violence.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

 //Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools.



 believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.

 Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

推荐访问:通常雅思大作文十大主题分类 雅思 十大 作文

